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Simplify HR Complexities with Jonna Mooney

Guest: Jonna Mooney| Founder | Affogato HR Consulting

Topic: HR is never black and white; it “always” depends.

💡 What do they do? Affogato Consulting partners help clients to implement practical, appropriate, and compliant solutions to HR issues. They work with small to medium size companies in many different industries across the United States. They understand that business people want to run their businesses, that employees are critical to the business, and that some parts of HR are intimidating. They use this understanding to create actionable steps so that your HR function runs smoothly. 

💡 How can an HR consultant help a small team?  Whether you have one employee or 700, having a consultant or team outside to help be a guide on the side is an excellent idea early on. There is a common misconception that HR is black and white, but its not. It’s very gray with a lot of variations. HR consultants understand those gray areas, so it is essential to have a trusted advisor in your back pocket from day 1.

💡 Can an HR Consultant help build Culture:  Your company culture happens whether you make it happen or not. Having intention around each decision you make, each hire you bring in, every policy you create is an even better idea. How you engage with your employees depends on the people in the organization, what they value or what they say they value, and what this business is and what it intends to be. 

💡 How can an HR consultant help you scale? One of the things that HR is known for and what people look is help with compliance. Compliance is almost related to headcount. As investment increases, the headcount increases. On the one hand, you get involved in the black and white compliance, then in the gray areas, then as you grow your headcount, you start to think about how you protect the seed the heart of what the company is. HR outsourcing is a great way to grow, recruiting outside of just referrals because they aren’t always the perfect fit. Outsourcing can give your company a global net spread and allow for more.  

💡 Noteworthy Advice: . Hiring in any country outside of the US without engaging with an international HR consulting firm or a PEO in your back pocket is an expensive mistake. Both will have a network of consultants around the globe that can help ensure compliance in other countries. 

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