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How Board Members Support the Success of the Start-Up CEO

How Board Members Support the Success of The Start-Up CEO

In this episode of Scale By Numbers, we have an exciting conversation with Heidi Roizen of Threshold Ventures, who has worked as a venture capitalist for over 20 years.

She shares experiences as a board member, giving her incredible insight into the value that a board of directors brings to businesses, small and large.

Understand the board of directors’ role and their authority in making decisions, what it takes to become a productive board member, along with the challenges a board member can face.

What You’ll Learn:

  • What you should consider when choosing board members.
  • What authority do different boards have, and what roles do they play?
  • The difficulties a member of a board of directors may face.
  • What obligations do you have as a board member?
  • Differences between mentors, advisory boards, and governing boards.
  • Why does a company need a board of directors?
  • How important are the relationships with stakeholders?
  • How to become a productive board member.
  • How to find a work-life balance as a board member.

Key Takeaways:

  • Understand what a typical resume of a board member looks like.
  • Let people know that becoming a board member is something you’re interested in.
  • Meet with others who are on the board you’re interested in.

Want to learn more about Threshold Ventures? Start Here.