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The Psychology of Success and You

One of the smartest things you can do is to follow very successful people and mimic what they do. The closer you can get to them the more you can learn.

And these days access to multi-millionaires is easier than ever.

I heard a very interesting interview with Simon Woodruff last year. He was the founder of Yo-Sushi, a start-up that made him into a multi-millionaire seemingly overnight. But prior to that he failed miserably in his start-ups.

When asked he attributed his earlier lack of success to low self-esteem. He exhibited lots of ego and bravado on the outside, but he hadn’t done the work on himself first. He hadn’t developed the owner.

His advice was two-fold:

Firstly, he believes that after 1 year in your business you know more about how your company works than the supposed experts in the world. This means that you already know the answers and you must find what the right questions to ask are so you can go inside to find those answers.

Secondly, spend more money on better people earlier. Find people with similar values and different strengths. There’s nothing like experience and if you can get the right people in, you can let go and spend your time working on the business instead of solely in the business. If you pay peanuts you’ll have monkeys working for you.

Take care of your people and they’ll take care of you.

What are you doing to develop yourself? What are you doing to develop your people?